Monday, September 10, 2012

New faces on campus!


Freshmen turn into sophomores, and juniors turn into seniors, marking some of the natural changes in a school. Including the population; the head count at Byrd High has increased. RCB has obtained some new staff members this year.  Joining us this year English teacher and play director, Ms Moore, former teacher at Lumberport Middle school tells us a little bit about herself. Graduate from WVU tells that her favorite thing about teaching is the interaction with students and being a positive influence for them. When asked what she hoped to accomplish this year she replied, “I hope to accomplish a fabulous musical and to prepare my seniors for the real world.” She and fellow teacher Ms. Bryanna Reger are welcome additions to the Language Arts Department.
             Additions to the history department are Mr. Mike Duke and Mr. Greg Phillips. Duke comes to us from Bridgeport High while Phillips is familiar as he taught ESL students at RCB previously. That position is now filled by Ms. Jessica Moats. New art teacher Mrs. Kathryn Crim is a great addition as art teacher, along with Mr. Bruce Carey in Driver Ed and Health.         
The music department added a couple new faces this fall with Mrs. Vickie Haley in choir and Mrs. Barbara Cale in Strings.
Being a new teacher at a high school could be an exciting change. Business and marketing teacher Mrs. Michelle Allen tells us her favorite thing about teaching at a new school is meeting new students. Allen states her goal for this school year is to increase students’ interest in technology and hopes to make all her students feel appreciated. She shares the department with another new face, Dr. Gerry Newlon. And don’t forget new counselor Ms. Kim Miller and new secretary Mrs. Monica Audia.
We hope to have a great and successful year. Caitlyn McIntyre

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