"Every moment is a fresh beginning," said T. S. Eliot. The start of the 2012-13 school year is one of fresh beginnings for the 773 students at Robert C. Byrd High School. And, we are off to a promising beginning with the footprints started last year by the students and staff. The school made Annual Yearly Progress by meeting the State’s benchmark for Math and increasing the Reading Language Arts (RLA) scores among 11th grade test-takers. The 10th graders improved scores in RLA, Biology, and US History (with the largest gain of 11 percentile points recorded). The 9th graders improved scores in all subject areas with marked improvements in math (8 percentiles), RLA (9 percentiles), Physical Science (3 percentiles), and World History (10 percentiles). We once again commend those students who earned a Distinguished rating with a banner that includes their names in the entrance to the Academic Wing. Likewise, RCB cut its dropout rate in half and increased the graduation rate by almost 3 percentage points over the previous year.
A team of teachers, working with input from community members and students, have developed new goals for the school:
1. Strengthen the relationship between school and its families, parents, and community.
2. Offer innovative technology and professional development to increase student usage of technology.
3. Advance curriculum and rigor and relevance to promote student achievement.
4. Reinforce a positive learning environment to promote morals, behaviors, academics, and civic duty.
One of the exciting outcomes of these goals is a reading initiative where students, staff, and administration will participate in 30-minutes of Silent Sustained Reading weekly in homeroom each Wednesday. Also, a continuation and expansion of the Positive Behavior Support opportunities for students will take effect. SOAR (Showing Outstanding Attitude and Responsibility) started last year at RCB and recognizes students for extra efforts of responsibility, willingness to help others, a positive attitude, and other actions RCB wants to promote in the youth. Staff members recommend students to administration, and students receive a prize and letter of recognition for their parents. Students of the Month ("Soaring Eagles") will be recognized by each department and displayed in the cafeteria; likewise, banners for students who are on the honor roll will be hung at the entrance of the Academic Wing.
In an effort to decrease obesity, intramurals will be organized for each Friday. And, as always, increased communication opportunities will be a priority as RCB teachers and administration will utilize the school blog, TV Productions class, parent newsletters, and Local School Improvement Council meetings to solicit the opinions of all stakeholders involved.
Most importantly, I could not mention new beginnings without taking this opportunity to remind parents and teachers to always model appropriate behavior for our youth. It is essential that we all take a moment and think about the consequences of each one of our comments and actions before we make or perform them. In this time of heightened access to the opinion of others on facebook and Twitter, it is more important to think about the importance of not saying or fueling false truths. It is imperative that communication between the school and parents is a two-sided street where concerns are reported to administration so that important discussions and actions can occur. It takes the efforts of all of us to ensure that our youth receive the proper education in all aspects of life – not just those lessons learned from a textbook.
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